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Updating my aliases to quickly switch versions in my .bash_profile, I now have:

Sourcing the .bash_profile (source .bash_profile) and then running each alias, now I’ve got OpenJDK 11 set up and ready to go!

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Open source and cross-platform development toolkit designed by Oracle for building multi-platform Java based applications and applets

Oracle’s JDK (short for Java Development Kit) comes with a built-in comprehensive collection of tools that make it simple to develop and test programs, applications and components written using the Java programming language and designed to run on the Java platform.

Wide variety of powerful Java development tools

Moreover, the JDK comes bundled with a collection of utilities and tools that help developers to create, debug, execute, and effortlessly design documentation for their Java programming language based programs.
You can find a detailed list of all included tools in the 'JDK Tools and Utilities' section on Oracle's documentation website.

Inbuilt JRE distribution and Apache Derby relational database

In addition, the JDK package also features a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) implementation, including a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), various class libraries, and a number of other files created to support the execution of Java software.
Also, JDK comes packed with Oracle's Java DB, a specially prepared distribution of the Apache Derby relational database. Java DB is based on SQL and the Java programming language and it includes Derby without any sort of modification to Derby's underlying source code (further details can be found on the Java DB documentation page).

Comprehensive Java programming language source file collection

On top of that, the JDK contains a collection of C header files that offer native-code programming support with the help of the JVM Tool Interface, Java's Native Interface, and a host of other functionality features of the Java platform.
The JDK also provides access to the Java programming language source files for all the classes contained within the Java core API (sources files for the java.*, javax.* and some org.* packages, but not for the com.sun.* packages).

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Java Jdk 11 Download Windows 10

Java Jdk 11 Mac Download
Sergiu Gatlan
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSNew in JDK 16 OpenJDK Early Access 14:Read the full changelog
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JDK 14.0.2 / 15 OpenJDK Early Access 36 / 16 OpenJDK Early Access 18

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